Psychological help
Our programs of psychological help come to be an open door to finding better answers, more rational and emotional for the requirements, speed and demands on the modern family affair. The mothers are overwhelmed with tension, anxieties and worries most of the times struggling under the circumstances and demands, they give up to their multiple responsibilities and sometimes live in hopelessness.
The specialized educational talks given by therapist and international professionals as well as local volunteers are given in the Maternity and other institutions like Restaurando un Mañana Training Center, Universities, public and private schools from our country are focused in youth self-steam, prevention of drugs, codependence of women in dysfunctional relationships and how to put limits with love to the children.
We want to teach through our initiative of psychological guidance to children, youth and adults the appreciation and valorization of what one has, compliance from what life gives us and to take care our self-steam by been grateful and understanding that our emptiness can’t be filled with materials things but spiritual.
We work hand in hand with our guides to encourage comprehension that we are not what we have but what we have in our hearts and the service we do to others. Heal the hearts that has been broken or that still are in hostile environments for their self-steam, like codependent women (maybe future victims of femicides) addictions, broken marriages, financial or health problems.
We provide help for constructing a caring and rehabilitated network for life, so in that way every individual can be a better human been to all around. This lectures not only help with self-esteem during growth but also in recovering women from codependent relationships where they were abused preventing more femicides in the country.
In FPUM we want to be contributors that children have new opportunities to grow in healthy environments so they don’t get trapped in addictions as a consequence of what they were living. Likewise we have been asked by Procuraduría General de la República Dominicana to assist in child care, in a national campaign to prevent bulling initiated not long ago in the country. We are offering conferences in schools and pre-schools as well as in vulnerability zones.